Waiving the 45-day notice requirement to issue a Liquor On Sale - 100 Seats or Less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) License to Kalsada LLC d/b/a Kalsada (License ID # 20220000012) for the premises located at 1668 Selby Avenue.
WHEREAS, Kalsada LLC d/b/a Kalsada (License ID # 20220000012) applied for a Liquor On Sale - 100 Seats or Less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) License for the premises located at 1668 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the licensee requested a waiver of the 45-day notification waiting period for approval of the above-mentioned licenses; and
WHEREAS, the Council finds that the application is in order, the proposed conditions are reasonable and there exist no grounds for denial of the licenses; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Safety and Inspections received a letter from Union Park District Council consenting to a waiver of the 45-day notice requirement for approval of the above-mentioned licenses; and
WHEREAS, the Council finds that failure to grant the waiver, with consequent delay in approving the license, would either cause exceptional and unusual hardship to the license applicant or would cause substantial hardships to the community for which the license is sought; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, a waiver of the 45-day notice requirement is granted and the Liquor On Sale - 100 Seats or Less, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, and Liquor Outdoor Service Area (Sidewalk) License are hereby approved and issued to Kalsada LLC d/b/a Kalsada (License ID # 20220000012) for the premises located at 1668 Selby Avenue in Saint Paul.