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File #: Ord 21-32    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 8/11/2021
Title: Adopting an emergency ordinance schedule of penalties for non-compliance of outdoor watering restrictions. (Emergency ordinances only require one reading for a final vote to be taken.)
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen
Code sections: Sec. 6.06. - Emergency ordinances., Sec. 6.11. - Effective date of ordinance.
Attachments: 1. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution, 2. SPRWS Drought Response Plan
Adopting an emergency ordinance schedule of penalties for non-compliance of outdoor watering restrictions. (Emergency ordinances only require one reading for a final vote to be taken.)
WHEREAS, Minnesota is experiencing extreme drought conditions causing significant decrease in the volume of water flowing through the Mississippi River; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul (the “Board”) derives most of its water supply from the Mississippi River and such intake may contribute to reducing the water levels of the river; and
WHEREAS, as part of the Board’s water appropriation permit from the State of Minnesota, it is required to implement conservation measures during extreme drought conditions; and
WHEREAS, as stated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Drought Plan, all public water suppliers using the Mississippi River must implement water use reduction measures if drawing water from an area that is in Extreme or Exceptional Drought; and
WHEREAS, restrictions on water use including, but not limited to, outdoor watering bans may be necessary to assure the safety and wellbeing of the residents within the Board’s water system service area and to maintain compliance with its Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ water appropriations permit; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, at its special meeting of July 29, 2021, approved Resolution No. 21-1115 adopting the following restrictions for all its customers within its water system service area:
1. If flow of the Mississippi River at Brooklyn Center, MN reaches the Restrictive Phase as defined in the State of Minnesota’s Statewide Drought Plan, or if voluntary measures are not resulting in adequate progress towards defined goals in the Drought Warning Phase, the Board’s Saint Paul Regional Water Services’ General Manager or their designated representative may instate mandated restrictions.
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