Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 51 SARATOGA STREET NORTH - 1523 PORTLAND AVENUE. (File No. CG2004A1, Assessment No. 200163)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 1/7/2021
Time of LH: 9:00 AM
Date of CPH: 3/3/2021
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: David Faffler
Cost: $352.82
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Q3 2020 Delinquent Garbage Bill; service provided July-September
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Billing Time Period: 3rd Quarter of 2020 (July 1 - Sept 30)
Invoice Date(s): July 1 - Sept 30
Garbage Hauler: Waste Management
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): Property owner stated that they purchased the property on 02/01/2020. Due to repairs, the property was not occupied until September 2020. The previous owner had suspended trash pick up but current owner is unsure how long the request was for. However, the owner stated that he was called by Waste Management in July and asked if they could start up service. The property owner stated that they did not need service until September. However, they still received an invoice for Q3 2020.
Staff Comments: Staff confirmed with hauler that the previous account for the property had been cancelled on 02/08/2020. However, hauler records show that the property owner called on 04/29/2020 to request the delivery of a second 64-gal cart, and the removal of a 96-gal cart. Therefore, a new account was set up as of 5/03/2020 with two 64-gal carts at the property. Since this was during Q2 2020, the hauler added the cost of service for two 64-gal carts from 05/03/2020 - 06/30/2020 to the Q3 2020 invoice.
The property owner did call the hauler again on 08/13/2020 to activate service and was told that service for the property had already been activated. The property owner was told that they would have to contact the city to report a vacancy. However, the hauler reported that they never received a vacancy request from the property owner. City records show n...
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