Memorializing a Council decision granting an appeal by CommonBond Communities, from a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals, for a zoning variance requested to construct a multi-unit senior residential housing building at 830 Cretin Avenue.
WHEREAS, on May 26, 2020, CommonBond Communities (hereinafter “Applicant”], duly applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals (“BZA”) under BZA file No.20-0388888 for three variances from the strict application of the Legislative Code pertaining to building-type lot coverage for open space, off-street parking setbacks, and the application of certain requisites for electric vehicle infrastructure contained in the Ford Site Public Realm Master Plan which are made applicable to developments at the Ford Site pursuant to Leg. Code § 66.945, for the purpose of constructing a five-story, 59,000 square foot multi-family residential building containing 60-units of affordable rental units for seniors, common space amenities, and 29 parking spaces of which 11 would be located inside the proposed building on property commonly known as 830 Cretin Ave and legally described as Lot 2, Block 3, Ford [PIN No. 172823110112] as follows:
A. Legislative Code § 66.931. Building Type Standards (Multi-Family):
(1). 25% minimum lot coverage for open space required; 16% proposed, for a variance of 9%.
B. Legislative Code § 63.312. Parking Facility Standards:
(1). Off-street parking space property line setback: 4-feet from any property line required; 2-feet proposed from the north property line, for a variance of 2-feet.
C. Legislative Code § 66.945. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (Ford Site Public Realm Master Plan):
(1). 1 parking space or 2% of total parking spaces provided, whichever is greater, required to be prepared for electric vehicle (EV) use; 29 parking spaces provided, 0 EV prepared spaces proposed for a variance of 1 EV prepared parking space. However, in a written communication to BZA staff dated June 22, 2020, the...
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