Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for property at 1847 MARGARET STREET. (File No. CG1904E3, Assessment No. 190162) (Legislative Hearing on July 9)
Hearing Date(s)
Date of LH: 2/6/2020 ; 7/9/2020
Time of LH: 9:00 AM
Date of CPH: 7/15/2020
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Postcard Returned by: Rebecca Ash
Cost: $117.80
Hauling Service(s) Provided: Garbage Service Large Cart, 3 Late Fees; Jul 1 - Sep 30 2019
Type of Order/Fee: Trash Hauling
Billing Time Period: 3rd Quarter of 2019 (July 1 - September 30)
Invoice Date(s): July 1 - September 30
Garbage Hauler: Republic
Returned Mail/Notice Concerns?:
Stated Reason for Appeal (if given): Property owner stated that she made a payment to the hauler in July 2019.
Staff Comments: There is no record of payment during Quarter 3 2019. There were two payments made during Quarter 4 2019. The first payment of $117.80 appears to have been made to cover the Quarter 3 2019 assessment. However, as the payment was submitted after the Quarter 3 2019 assessment had been sent to the city on September 30, 2019, it would have been applied as a credit to the account. Another payment was also made to the account on December 3 2019 for $102.44. This appears to have been for the Quarter 4 invoice amount of $102.44. Therefore, with both payments, the property owner would have a total of $117.80 in credits. This is accurately reflected in the Quarter 1 2020 bill where it appears as though the invoice amount of $99.43 was covered by the remaining credits on the account. The leftover credit amount of $18.37 was applied to the Quarter 2 2020 bill. Therefore, staff recommends approving the assessment.
AMENDED 7/15/2020
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Collection of Delinquent Garbage Bills for services during July to September 2019. (File No. CG1904E3, Assessment No. 190162) (Public hea...
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