Accepting the gift of tuition, accommodation, meals, and airfare from Bloomberg Philanthropies for Mayor Melvin Carter to attend the 2018 Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative in New York City, July 22-July 25, 2018.
WHEREAS, Mayor Melvin Carter has been invited to be part of a cohort of forty mayors selected from a competitive pool of applicants to participate in a leadership development experience taught by Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School faculty; and
WHEREAS, the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative is an opportunity for participants to engage in sessions to develop expertise, obtain practical knowledge and engage in activities to expand leadership abilities while developing a professional network of leading mayors from state and local government as well as the private sector; and
WHEREAS, Bloomberg Philanthropies has offered to cover the tuition, accommodation, meals, and airfare for Mayor Carter to attend the 2018 Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative in an amount not to exceed $5,000; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the gift of tuition, accommodation, meals, and airfare for Mayor Carter to attend the 2018 Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative and thanks Bloomberg Philanthropies for their generosity.