Approving the Mayor’s reappointment of Mara Humphrey to a second four-year term on the Board of Water Commissioners.
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Code of Ordinances Section 15.03 states that the Board of Water Commissioners is composed of six (6) members who shall be members of the city council for terms to coincide with their elected terms of office and two (2) members who shall be resident citizens of Saint Paul who hold no other city office or city employment. The sixth (6th) member who shall be a resident citizen of a suburb served by the board's water system to be appointed in the manner provided for in the water extension agreement with the suburb(s); and
WHEREAS, in RES 14-1505, Mara Humphrey was appointed by Mayor Coleman with the consent of the council to serve her first four-year term as commissioner with a term ending January 1, 2018; and
WHEREAS, Mara Humphrey has expressed interest in being reappointed to a second term on the Board of Water Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, Mayor Carter wishes to reappoint Mara Humphrey to the Board of Water Commissioners to a second four-year term ending on August 31, 2022; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to the reappointment of Mara Humphrey to a four-year term ending August 31, 2022 as a commissioner on the Board of Water Commissioners.