Accepting additional grant funds in the amount of $11,706 from the Capitol Region Watershed District and amending the spending and financing budget for improvements to the CHS Field Rainwater Harvesting System.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is committed to a sustainable future, including cleaner air, soil, water and other natural resources; and
WHEREAS, the City supports, and will continue to support, collaboration with the Capital Region Watershed District and other agencies and groups to provide resources for implementing Best Management Practices throughout the Watershed District; and
WHEREAS, by CF #13-1087, the Department of Parks and Recreation applied for funds from the Capitol Region Watershed District's 2014 Special Projects Grant Program and was awarded
$325,000 to design and construct drainage improvements for runoff leaving the CHS Field project; and
WHEREAS, by CF #15-958, the Capitol Region Watershed District amended the award and the Department of Parks and Recreation applied for and was given authority to accept an additional $10,000 of funds for a total of $335,000 to design and construct drainage improvements for runoff leaving the CHS Field project, including concrete etching of the interpretive cistern graphic at CHS Field; and
WHEREAS, the Capitol Region Watershed District has further amended the award to include an additional $11,706 for improvements to be made to the rainwater harvesting system at CHS Field; and
WHEREAS, the attached financial analysis establishes a spending and financing budget for the above stated purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are appropriations of $11,706 for improvements to the rainwater harvesting system at CHS Field as specified in the attached financial analysis; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation to execute t...
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