Creating a welcoming and inclusive city by expanding the availability of gender-neutral restrooms in City owned and operated buildings.
Whereas, ensuring restrooms are easily and comfortably accessible to as many people as possible supports the city’s goal to reduce and eliminate disparities; and
Whereas, gender-neutral restrooms are valuable and convenient for families with children, those who need assistance, persons with disabilities, transgender individuals and those who do not conform to the gender binary, and others who value privacy or feel vulnerable in shared restroom facilities; and
Whereas, gender-specific restrooms result in many people needlessly waiting for a particular restroom to be vacated while another identical restroom is available nearby; and
Whereas, many buildings owned by the City of Saint Paul offer single-user restrooms, which are restrooms with a lockable door and, at minimum, a sink and toilet, intended for use by one person with or without an assistant;
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the City of Saint Paul will update the designation of current single-user restrooms to be gender neutral in all city owned buildings; and
Be it further resolved that the City of Saint Paul will incorporate at least one gender-neutral restroom in all new City of Saint Paul buildings during design and construction; and
Be it further resolved that the City will plan for future adaptation of existing city owned and operated buildings where no current single-user restrooms exist; and
Be it further resolved that the City of Saint Paul strongly encourages owners and operators of all other public and private buildings in Saint Paul to update the designation of current single-user restrooms to be gender neutral.