Undertaking a zoning study of land use and land use classifications along Marshall Avenue between Mississippi River Boulevard and Hamline Avenue, and establishing interim zoning regulations pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.355, Subd. 4 pending Council action on the zoning study within the study area between Wilder and Wheeler.
WHEREAS, the area of Marshall Avenue between Mississippi River Boulevard on the West and Hamline Avenue on the East is presently experiencing increasing redevelopment interest. While redevelopment interest is welcome, redevelopment that is not consistent with the goals and requirements of the City’s Comprehensive Plan would not be in the best interests of the City generally and this area of Marshall Avenue specifically; and
WHEREAS, the potential for incompatible or inconsistent redevelopment activity along this stretch of Marshall raises substantial questions relating to the ability of the City’s present official controls to assure compliance with the City’s Comprehensive Plans; and
WHEREAS, in light of these increasing redevelopment interests, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby requests the planning commission to undertake a zoning study of current land use and land use classifications of that area of Marshall described above which, hereinafter, shall be referred to as the “West Marshall Study Area” or “WMSA”; and
WHEREAS, the Council desires the scope of zoning study to be limited to the those parcels with frontage along Marshall; and
WHEREAS, the said study may lead to the adoption of amendments to the City’s comprehensive municipal plan and to its official zoning controls within the West Marshall Study Area; and
WHEREAS, in light of the pending WMSA study, and for the purpose of identifying an overall vision for this pivotal area and the immediate need to preserve the status quo with respect to land use in order to protect the general health, welfare and safety of the public pending the conclusion of the sa...
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