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File #: RLH VO 17-16    Version:
Type: Resolution LH Vacate Order Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 7/19/2017
Title: Appeal of Christopher Eggers to a Notice of Condemnation Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate 939 BURR STREET.
Sponsors: Amy Brendmoen
Ward: Vacate Order, Ward - 5
Attachments: 1. 939 Burr Street.appeal.06-08-17, 2. 939 Burr St.Photo.6-1-17, 3. 939 Burr St.Eggers Ltr.6-22-17.pdf
Related files: RLH VBR 17-38


Appeal of Christopher Eggers to a Notice of Condemnation Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate 939 BURR STREET.


Date/Time of 1st LH: June 13, 2017; 2:30 p.m.

Purpose of Appeal: Work on house almost complete

Date of Order(s) Under Appeal: June 1, 2017

Inspector/Key Staff: Leanna Shaff

Legislative Hearing Staff Comments:  Mr. Eggers was informed he cannot occupy the house because of 1) the water shut-off; and 2) the previous decision of the Council (6/7/17) to deny the appeal on the order the building vacated and refer it to the vacant building program (resulted from the C of O revocation).  The Council decision grants to 7/1/17 to vacate the premise, so the immediate vacate resulting from the condmemnation from the water shut-off could affect that decision.  It is for this reason an appeal was accepted. -Marcia



WHEREAS, in the matter of the Appeal of Christopher Eggers to a Notice of Condemnation Unfit for Human Habitation and Order to Vacate 939 BURR STREET, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant; and


WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council deny the appeal; Now, Therefore, Be It


RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter.





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