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File #: RES PH 17-150    Version:
Type: Resolution-Public Hearing Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 7/19/2017
Title: Updating the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan to incorporate the recommendations of the Capital City Bikeway Network Study and Design Guide as well as the Grand Round Design and Implementation Plan. (Public hearing continued from June 7)
Sponsors: Russ Stark
Attachments: 1. Grand-Round-Design-Implementation-Plan 07_13_2017.pdf, 2. Capital-City-Bikeway-Network-Study-and-Design-Guide.pdf, 3. SPBP - 2017 Proposed Revisions memo.pdf, 4. SPBP - 06 22 2017 Proposed Revisions - REVISED, 5. SPBP - 2017-Proposed-Revised-Figures.pdf, 6. SPBP - Transportation-Committee-Report.pdf, 7. SPBP - Planning-Commission-Resolution 04-21-17.pdf, 8. SPBP - HPC resolution 03-23-2017.pdf, 9. SPBP - 2017-05-03 Public Hearing Summary.pdf, 10. Capital City Bikeway Plan emails, 11. Bike Plan emails, 12. Markham Company letter, 13. Bike Plan public comment, 14. PH comments re St. Peter Bike Lanes
Updating the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan to incorporate the recommendations of the Capital City Bikeway Network Study and Design Guide as well as the Grand Round Design and Implementation Plan. (Public hearing continued from June 7)

WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan includes a number of strategies for improving the bicycle network and increasing bicycling in Saint Paul, such as:
Transportation 3.4 Develop and maintain a complete and connected bikeway system.
T3.4 Develop and maintain a complete and connected bikeway system.
T3.5 Support existing off-street shared-use paths and add facilities and amenities supportive of active living principles.
T3.6 Fill gaps in the bikeway system.
T3.8 Promote “bicycle boulevards as a new type of bikeway; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul City Council adopted the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan on 3/18/March 18, 2015, and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council subsequently identified funding from the 8-80 Vitality Fund to completefunded additional study and implementation of the Capital City Bikeway and the Saint Paul Grand Round with the 8 80 Vitality Fund, and
WHEREAS, city staff from the Departments of Public Works, Planning and Economic Development, and Parks and Recreation, contributed to the findings of collaborated to develop the Saint Paul Grand Round Design and Implementation Plan as well as the Capital City Bikeway Network Study and Design Guide; and
WHEREAS, from 2015 to 2016, city staff solicited community input to help in the drafting of draft the Grand Round Design and Implementation Plan and Capital City Bikeway Network Study and Design Guide planning documents through holding open houses, workshops, and through pop-up meetings; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan must be updated to reflect the recommendations of the Grand Round Design and Implement...

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