Approving the amendment to Metropolitan Council grant SG-03653 to change the project scope (description - construct a splash pad) to substitute a different project description for the Indian Mounds Regional Park funded by MN Laws 2015, First Special Session, Chapter 2, Article 3, Section 4.
WHEREAS, under the Minnesota Session Laws of 2015 which includes a Parks and Trails Fund Appropriation for parks and trails of regional or statewide significance in the metropolitan area, to be used to fund the list of recommended projects in the report submitted, which includes $662,000 to the City of Saint Paul for Indian Mounds Regional Park to continue implementation of the adopted Master Plan to include a splash pad; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Department of Parks and Recreation, proposes to amend the project scope (description - construct a splash pad) to substitute a different project description; and
WHEREAS, the executed grant agreement SG-03653, as amended 09/01/16, allows for changes in the grant project and amendments in Sections 8.1 and 8.2; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation desires to prepare a master plan approved cultural assessment study and management plan for Indian Mounds Regional Park;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that support is granted for changing the project scope of the Metropolitan Council Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment Parks and Trails FY 2016-17 program funds grant SG-03653 to prepare a master plan approved cultural assessment study and management plan.