Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to initiate a Rice and Larpenteur gateway area planning study in collaboration with the City of Roseville and the City of Maplewood.
WHEREAS, Rice Street and Larpenteur Avenue is a key gateway into the Cities of Maplewood, Roseville, and Saint Paul (the three Cities); and
WHEREAS, the neighborhood adjacent to Rice and Larpenteur is the most densely populated area of Saint Paul, outside of downtown; and
WHEREAS, the Rice and Larpenteur intersection is located within a concentrated area of poverty based on census data of household income; and
WHEREAS, the three Cities are coordinating efforts to improve the area around the intersection of Rice Street and Larpenteur Avenue; and
WHERAS, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce has helped to coordinate efforts between the three Cities; and
WHEREAS, the Rice Street and Larpenteur Avenue intersection was identified as the highest priority planning area after a Smart Growth America assessment of Larpenteur Avenue that was sponsored by Ramsey County, the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, and East Metro Strong; and
WHEREAS, the three Cities held a joint public input event to identify needs for the corridor, including improved public safety, better pedestrian facilities and public realm, and more community-oriented business; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County is undertaking a Rice Street corridor study to plan the future roadway cross-section, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2017; and
WHEREAS, the three Cities have issued a joint Request for Proposals to retain consulting services to help manage the interjurisdictional effort and undertake a planning study for the Rice and Larpenteur Gateway Area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby initiates a planning study for the Rice Street and Larpenteur Avenue gateway area; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul authorizes the creation of a joint community advisory group to advise the work of and to provide input and feedback into the planning process.