Approving the 2017 10% Club List of eligible recipients.
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation administers the application process for the 10% Club List of Eligible Recipients established by Saint Paul Legislative Code Sec. 409.235; and
WHEREAS; City staff has reviewed applications to confirm eligibility, and to add organizations to the eligible recipients list for the 10% Club for 2017; and
WHEREAS; these organizations were deemed to meet the eligibility requirements and are recommended to be added to the 10% Club Eligible Recipients List for 2017;
Boy Scout Troop #66
Boy Scout Troop #197
Boy Scout Troop #217
Boy Scout Troop #294
Como Park Snowsports Booster Club
Cub Scout Pack #66
Duluth & Case Booster Club
Eastside Wrestling Club
Eastside Youth Athletic Association
Friends of Oxford Pool
Frogtown Football Booster Club
Johnson Area Baseball Boosters
North Area Sports Association
North Dale Booster Club
North End Area Booster Club
Northern Star Boy Scouts of America
Northwest Como Booster Club
Phalen Youth Club
Police Athletic League
Sanneh Foundation
St. Paul Capital Youth Hockey Assn.
St. Paul Urban Tennis Program
Teens Networking Together
Twin Cities Regional Science Fair
Summit-U Girls’ Athletic Association
Urban Business Adventures
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby requested to promulgate and approve the list of eligible organizations for the 2017 Charitable Gambling 10% Club.