Administrative Ordinance placing the classifications titled Victim Witness Assistant and Victim Witness Coordinator in the unclassified service pursuant to Section 12.03.02(H) of the City of Saint Paul Charter. (Must be approved by Civil Service Commission after adoption by City Council but prior to Mayor signature.)
The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain:
Section 1 - That it is appropriate and desirable to place the positions titled Victim Witness Assistant and Victim Witness Coordinator in the unclassified service.
Section 2 - That pursuant to Section 12.03.2 (H) of the City Charter, such positions shall be established in the unclassified service of the City of Saint Paul by Ordinance with the consent of the Civil Service Commission.
Section 3 - That appointment to Victim Witness Assistant and Victim Witness Coordinator shall be made by the City Attorney, with approval of the Mayor.
Section 4 - This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval, and publication, including by the Civil Service Commission.