Amending Chapter 402 of the Legislative Code pertaining to raffle events.
For the purpose of expanding the number of allowable raffle events conducted by state-licensed persons or organizations, Saint Paul Legislative Code section 402.03 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 402.03. - General regulations.
(a) The following regulations and restrictions shall apply to lawful gambling conducted within the city and shall apply to organizations licensed by the state pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 349, and to organizations issued permits pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Prize limits. Prize limits for lawful gambling shall not exceed the limits permitted by state law.
(c) Liquor and minors/bingo. No intoxicating liquor, 3.2 percent malt liquor, wine or beer shall be sold, served or consumed in the room where the bingo game is conducted, except as permitted under a valid license issued under chapter 409 or 410 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
(d) Bingo-Game conduct and procedure:
(1) Public view of proceedings: All bingo games shall be conducted in full view of the public and all accounting for and changing of money shall take place in the game room or hall in full view of game participants.
(2) Numbers: The selection and calling of numbers shall be in view of game participants and all numbers called shall be determined by chance by use of a fix-proof device of a kind approved by the inspector.
(3) Record of numbers: The organization shall maintain in full public view a record of the number of bingo games played or that is being played at all times during each bingo session.
(e) Time and place limitations. All such organizations shall comply with the requirements of state law as to the allow...
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