Amending Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to update language related to the handling and storage of solid waste and other waste streams.
Section 1
Chapter 357 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 357.02. - Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated in this section:
Authorized recycling program is a program for the collection and processing of recyclable materials which is instituted, sponsored, authorized or controlled by the City of Saint Paul.
Collection is the aggregation of mixed municipal solid waste, yard waste and/or separate waste streams from the place at which it is generated and includes all activities up to the time the mixed municipal solid waste, yard waste and/or separate waste stream is delivered to a waste facility.
Compostable materials include but are not limited to kitchen wastes, food wastes, paper wastes, disposable diapers, and other clean organic wastes, but not including yard waste.
Composting means the controlled microbial degradation of organic waste to yield a humus-like product.
Construction debris is waste building materials, packaging, and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of buildings and roads.
Corrugated cardboard is heavy paper with alternating ridges and grooves for use in packing or boxing material but does not include paperboard packaging.
Disposal facility is a mixed municipal solid waste facility permitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that is designed or operated for the purpose of disposing of mixed municipal solid waste on or in the land, together with any appurtenant facilities needed to process waste for disposal or transfer to another facility.
Garbage is includes all discarded material resulting from the handling, processing, storage, preparation, serving and c...
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