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File #: RES PH 16-342    Version: 1
Type: Resolution-Public Hearing Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Final action: 11/16/2016
Title: Adopting the Union Park Community Plan as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
Sponsors: Russ Stark, Dai Thao
Attachments: 1. Union Park District Plan, 2. Planning Commission Resolution Union Park District 13 Community Plan 09-02-16, 3. Planning Commision Approved Minutes 08.05.16, 4. Neighborhood Planning Committee Memo 8.24.16, 5. Planning Commission Approved Minutes 09.02.16, 6. ENS & Legal Ledger Notices of CC Public Hearing
Related files: RES PH 18-74
Adopting the Union Park Community Plan as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.

WHEREAS, the Union Park Community Plan was created by the Union Park District Council through a community-based process over the past several years; and

WHEREAS, the Union Park Community Plan is intended to replace the following plans: Lex-Ham Tomorrow Plan adopted in 2000; Merriam Park Community Plan adopted in 2003; and Snelling Hamline Community Plan adopted in 2007; and

WHEREAS, the Union Park District Council adopted a draft of the Plan November 4, 2015; and

WHEREAS, the Union Park Community Plan outlines priorities and guiding policies for the District 13 planning district in the areas of land use and economic development, transportation, parks and recreation, housing, natural resources and the environment, and historic preservation; and

WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission recommended adoption of the Union Park Community Plan, subject to certain modifications; and

WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee of the Planning Commission reviewed and commented on the Union Park Community Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Union Park Community Plan on August 5, 2016; and

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Planning Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission reviewed public testimony and the recommendations of the Heritage Preservation Commission and comments from the Transportation Committee, and amended the Union Park Community Plan to reflect its consideration of the testimony, recommendations, and comments; and

WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355(2) and Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Council amendments to the comprehensive plan; and

WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission finds the Union Park Community Plan to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive P...

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