Appeal of Gwynne Evans to an Order of Abatement at 1765 RANDOLPH AVENUE.
Date/Time of 1st LH: February 16, 2016
Purpose of Appeal: Please see attached letter for details of appeal.
Date of Order(s) Under Appeal: January 7, 2016
Inspector/Key Staff: Lisa Martin, DSI, 651-266-1940
Legislative Hearing Staff Comments:
WHEREAS, in the matter of Gwynne Evans to a Summary Abatement Order at 1765 RANDOLPH AVENUE, the Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed the appeal and considered the testimony of City staff and the appellant;
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that the City Council deny the appeal and grant until June 1, 2016 to come into compliance with the bushes obstructing the public sidewalk. In the meantime, owner needs to tie the bushes back; Now, Therefore, Be It
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby accepts and adopts the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter.