Accepting Livable Communities Transit Oriented Development Grants, Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grants, Contamination Cleanup and Investigation Grants, and Tax Base Revitalization Account Grants; and amending the 2016 Budget.
WHEREAS, the City Council on:
• July 15, 2015, by Resolution number 15-1214, authorized the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development to apply to the Metropolitan Council for Livable Communities Demonstration Account grant funds for Selby-Milton-Victoria and Village on Rivoli; and, by Resolution number 15-1222, authorized the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development to apply to the Metropolitan Council for Livable Communities Demonstration Transit Oriented Development grant funds for Raymond Avenue Flats;
• November 18, 2015, by Resolution 15-1970, identified the need for Livable Communities Transit-Oriented Development funding and authorized the Department of Planning & Economic Development to submit, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, applications for Metropolitan Council Livable Communities TOD development grant funds for East Side Weehouse EcoVillage Zoning Demonstration and East Side St. Paul Weehouse EcoVillage;
• October 28, 2015, by Resolution 15-1814, authorized the Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development to submit applications to the Department of Employment and Economic Development for Contamination Cleanup and Investigation Grants and to the Metropolitan Council for Tax Base Revitalization Account Cleanup and Site Investigation Grants for projects at the 745 Cleveland Avenue, Fillmore Avenue, former Sholom Home (aka Midway Senior Living), and University Avenue Inc. (former Lexington Library) sites; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council and the Department of Employment and Economic Development have approved the following grant applications:
• Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants of $597,000 for Selby-Milton-Victoria site, and of $975,000 for Village on Rivoli site;
• Livable Communities Demonstration Transit Oriented Development grants of $1,000,000 for the Raymond Avenue Flats site; of $50,000 for East Side Weehouse EcoVillage Zoning Demonstration; and of $50,000 for East Side St. Paul Weehouse EcoVillage;
• Tax Base Revitalization Account grant of $13,500 for University Avenue Inc. (Former Lexington Library);
• Tax Base Revitalization Account Cleanup grants of $213,300 for 745 Cleveland; of $174,400 for Fillmore Avenue Apartments; and of $777,300 for Midway Senior Living;
• Contamination Cleanup and Investigation grants of $203,615 for Cleveland Avenue Development; and of $960,336 for the Fillmore site; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby certify that $5,014,451.00 in funds are available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2016 budget and recommends the changes to the 2016 budget identified on Attachment A:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul accepts this grant and approves the changes identified on Attachment A to the 2016 budget.