Authorizing the City of Saint Paul to enter into a five-year lease renewal with the Animal Humane Society.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul owns approximately 23,000 square feet of park property located at 1115 Beulah Lane that since 1985 has been leased to the Animal Humane Society for use as an animal shelter and parking for visitors and staff; and
WHEREAS, AHS provides a valuable community service and is the leading animal welfare organization in the upper Midwest, providing comprehensive programs and services to citizens of Saint Paul and others, and AHS's continued use of the Lease Premises will allow its valuable educational and animal welfare services to continue; and
WHEREAS, lease agreements PR/24 and PR/25 that encompass the shelter and parking lot portions of the Lease Premises will expire on December 31, 2015, and AHS is in the process of fundraising to acquire a new site, and needs an extension of the existing lease while making plans to move; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation, on behalf of the City, is willing to enter into a new five-year lease with no renewal term with the AHS to permit AHS to complete plans for fundraising, site acquisition and move to a new facility, and will continue to charge the nominal sum of $1.00, as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, AHS's use of the Lease Premises predates the City Charter provision (Ch. 13.01.1) pertaining to diversion and disposal of parkland, and a long term lease is therefore not a diversion under §86.03(b)(3) of the Administrative Code; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes and directs the proper city officials to enter into said Lease Renewal with the AHS.