Waiving the signature requirement of Schmidt Keg House, LLC to create a commercial development district and directing the pertinent City officials to schedule a public hearing.
WHEREAS, the Schmidt Keg House, LLC submitted a petition to create a commercial development district to the Department of Safety and Inspections pursuant to Saint Paul City Charter §17.07.1 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.20(a); and
WHEREAS, the petition requirements call for written consent of two-thirds of the real estate parcels within the proposed commercial development district as well as owners of two-thirds of the real estate parcels within one hundred (100) fee of the new or expanded commercial development district; and
WHEREAS, the petitioner made diligent efforts to collect the required signatures but due to the commercial nature of the properties abutting the development and inability to contact owners of the real estate was unable to collect the necessary two-thirds consent of owners and has requested that the city council, pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code §409.20(b), waive the requirements for consent signatures and initiate the process for creating a commercial development district; and
WHEREAS, the city council finds that due to the nature of the number and types of properties in and surrounding the proposed district, that requiring consent from 2/3 of all owners would create a hardship to the petitioner; and
WHEREAS, the planning commission has been consulted for advice concerning the proposal for a commercial development district and the commission’s report finds the proposal for such a district consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the signature requirement for the petition to create a commercial development district filed by the Schmidt Keg House, LLC is hereby waived; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be scheduled to consider the proposal to cre...
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