Public hearing to consider the appeal of the property owners, Tina and Joe Shaffer, to a condition of approval by the Heritage Preservation Commission regarding roof color at 1373 Summit Avenue.
HPC File Number: 15-034
Appellent: Tina and Joe Shaffer
Location: 1373 Summit Avenue, Summit Avenue West Historic District
Applicant: Tina and Joe Shaffer
Owner: Tina and Joe Shaffer
Purpose: Appeal a Heritage Preservation Commission condition of approval regarding roof color
HPC Decision: Approval with 5 conditions on a vote of 5-1-0
Staff Recommendation: Approval with 5 conditions
Testimony in support: 0
Testimony in opposition: 0
Required Background Information
Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Yes
If yes, when does the 60 days expire? August 4, 2015
Has an extension been granted? No
If so, to what date?
Key Staff Contact
Bill Dermody, 651-266-6617