Memorializing City Council action taken on November 20, 2013 sustaining adverse licensing action against all licenses held by Jamal & Saed Co., d/b/a St. Paul Grocery Store at 712 West University Avenue.
WHEREAS, Jamal & Saed Co., d/b/a St. Paul Grocery Store (License ID # 20100004052) (hereinafter "licensee"), located at 712 West University Ave. in the City of Saint Paul received a Notice of Intent to Revoke Licenses dated July 10, 2013 (hereinafter "Notice"); and
WHEREAS, the Notice alleged violations of law related to the licensed activity; and
WHEREAS, licensee denied all the allegations and requested a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held before an Administrative Law Judge on October 2, 2013, at which each party was represented by Counsel and presented testimony; and
WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge issued a Report on November 7, 2013, in which the Administrative Law Judge issued Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, a Recommendation and a Memorandum; and
WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge found that there was sufficient proof that licensee had committed the violations set forth in the Notice; and
WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge concluded that these violations represented substantial and compelling reasons to deviate from the penalty matrix and revoke all licenses held by licensee; and
WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge recommended that the City of Saint Paul revoke all licenses held by licensee; and
WHEREAS, the licensee was given notice that a public hearing would be held before the City Council on November 20, 2013, at which time licensee would have an opportunity to present oral or written argument to the Council; and
WHEREAS, neither party filed any exceptions to the report of the Administrative Law Judge; and
WHEREAS, at a public hearing on November 20, 2013, Council File # PH 13-19, the Council of the City of Saint Paul considered all the evidence conta...
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