Staying implementation of Council File Number RLH RR 12-68 (Order to Remove or Repair 601 Western Avenue).
AMENDED 4/24/13
WHEREAS, a resolution pursuant to Council File RLH RR 12-68 , adopted by the City Council on December 19, 2012, ordered the repair or removal of 601 Western Avenue within thirty days of the adoption of the resolution; and
WHEREAS, Alex Jerome and Ameena Samatar, co-owners of the property, have filed a petition for a writ of certiorari to the Minnesota Court of Appeals, which has issued said writ; and
WHEREAS, owners, through their attorney, John Shoemaker, have also requested that the Saint Paul City Council stay execution of Council File RLH RR 12-68; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council found that the Property constitutes a public nuisance pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45 and is subject to demolition; and
WHEREAS, the Council is willing to stay the enforcement of the resolution upon certain conditions designed to safeguard the public safety and welfare; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council will stay the enforcement of its resolution to demolish the property at 601 Western Avenue while the appeal is pending on the following conditions:
First: Petitioner shall be responsible for the exterior maintenance and security of the Property, and will correct any code violations as requested by a city inspector, without the need for any written correction notice or abatement order, as soon as possible and in no event longer than two business days; and
Second, Petitioner will post with the City of Saint Paul, by the close of business Tuesday April 30, 2013, a supersedeas bond in the amount of $5,000 (five thousand dollars and no cents) to be used to offset any claims against the City of Saint Paul. The bond will be returned to the Petitioner if they are successful with the Writ of Certiorari; and
Third, Petitioner shall provide the City of Saint Paul with proof that the Property is covered...
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