An interim ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.355, Subd. 4, preserving the status quo regarding multi-family residential development of property along Grand Avenue between Cretin and Fairview pending the completion of a study of the City's official controls.
Section 1.
Council's statement of findings and legislative intent: The Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the Land Use Chapter of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the 2030 generalized Land Use Map identifies the west end of Grand Avenue as a "Residential Corridor" which, the Plan explains, is composed of "segments of street corridors that run through Established Neighborhoods, predominantly characterized by medium density residential uses. The Land Use Chapter characterizes Established Neighborhoods as areas with a range of housing types, predominantly single-family houses and duplexes, as well as scattered small scale multi-family housing.
The Council further finds that Strategy 1 of the Land Use Chapter provides for targeting growth at areas where there will be compact mixed-use communities where housing, employment, amenities, and transit can work synergistically to serve the needs of people living and working there. Strategy 1 also states that its "core goal" is "higher density development" whose purpose is to achieve the 2030 residential growth targets which have been established for the City by the Metropolitan Council.
The Council further finds that Strategy 1 of the Land Use Chapter specifically intends for development to take place "at densities greater than currently found in the community" yet also provides that "higher density development is not an objective sought solely for itself," but to "contribute to the goal of creating a vibrant, economically strong community that is environmentally sustainable; and
The Council also finds that Established Neighborhoods are described in the Land Use Chapter as "a...
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