Declaring Raymond Avenue and Energy Park Drive as Right-Of-Ways.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") owns land described as Tract B and Tract C, Registered Land Survey no. 467 near the intersection of Raymond Avenue and Energy Park Drive, as depicted in Attachment A; and
WHEREAS, said Tracts B and C were originally intended to be used for right-of-way purposes and are currently being used for said purposes; and
WHEREAS, the City, based upon review by the Department of Public Works and Office of Financial Services/Real Estate, desires to designate and declare said Tracts B and C as right-of-way, as documented in the Declaration of Right-of-Way attached hereto as Attachment B; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council hereby authorize the proper city officials to execute said Declaration of Right-of-Way, and to record said document with the Ramsey County Registrar of Titles.
Financial Analysis
Financial analysis is not applicable