Ratifying the Appealed Special Tax Assessment for Real Estate Project No. J1203A, Assessment No. 128502 at 1005 THOMAS AVENUE.
Tax Assessment Worksheet
Cost: $288.00
Service Charge: $155.00
Total Assessment: $443.00
Gold Card Returned by: Bob Gotch
Type of Order/Fee: Saummary Abatement
Nuisance: Garbage/TGW
Date of Orders:1st SA issued on 8/25 & 2nd notice (with addition of TGW & Securing) issued on 8/31.
Compliance Date: 2nd Notice 9/6/11
Re-Check Date: 9/6/11 All 3 issues found in non compliance
Date Work Done: 9/9/11
Work Order #:11-273150
Returned Mail?:No
Comments:VB cat 2 file opened on 7/11/11.
From STAMP "08/23/2011: *Compliance Recheck - house and garage secure, vacant, plac's up, wood debris in rear yard, patio furniture, neighbors stated that the yard is in use by transients, SPPD remove 2 people, sa issued."
History of Orders on Property:
09/08/2011 : 09/08/2011 Garbage Rubbish WO created: PA 11-273150
Along the alley and in all yard areas, on the boulevard - remove all scrap wood/metal and general debris.
09/08/2011 : 09/08/2011 Tall Grass WO created: PA 11-273151
On the boulevard, along the alley, in the yard - cut the tall grass and weeds.
09/12/2011 : PA EC Printed: 09/12/2011
10/31/2011 : OFS Payment on 10-31-11
11/04/2011 : 11/04/2011 Garbage Rubbish WO created: PA 11-296623
From the rear yard near alley - remove the mattresses, empty the overflowing container and remove all general debris.
WHEREAS, the Office of Financial Services Real Estate Section has attached to this Council File both a report of completion outlining the costs and fees associated with Property Cleanup Services from September 03 to 30, 2011 (File No. J1203A, Assessment No. 128502) and the assessment roll including all properties for which these assessments are proposed for Council ratification; and
WHEREAS, the City Council’s Legislative Hearing Officer has reviewed an appeal of this assessment and developed a recommendation fo...
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