Authorizing the Mayor's Office to apply for grants totalling $233,000 from The Saint Paul Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, the Central Corridor Funders Collaborative and the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority for the purpose of conducting a Streetcar Feasibility Plan for Saint Paul.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is interested in exploring the feasiblity of enhancing transit options within the city by adding a system of streetcar lines to link neighborhoods with the regional transitways; and
WHEREAS, there are a series of issues related to the design, engineering, and financing of such a system that should be thoroughly explored; and
WHEREAS, City staff has determined that it would be advisable to hire a consultant with experience in planning streetcar systems to evaluate the feasibilty of such a system in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the cost of such a study has been estimated to be $250,000; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Mayor's Office to apply for grants totalling $233,000 from The Saint Paul Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, the Central Corridor Funders Collaborative and the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority for the purpose of preparing a Streetcar Feasibility Plan; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Office be authorized to identify up to $17,000 is existing departmental budgets for the purpose of preparing the Plan; and be it finally
RESOLVED, that acceptance of any grants and a final budget for the Plan, including any City budget authority, will require City Council approval.
Financial Analysis