Public hearing to consider the appeal of Keith Hovland to a Planning Commission decision approving a nonconforming use permit with variance to change the angle of the east facing billboard face at 2516 Wabash Avenue (ZF#: 19-103405).
Zoning File #: 19-111-438
Appellant: Keith Hovland
Address: 2516 Wabash Ave
Purpose: Appeal of the December 19th, 2019 Planning Commission decision to approve a nonconforming use permit with variance to change the angle of the east facing billboard face (ZF#: 19-103405).
Staff Recommendation: Approval with two conditions
District Council: District 12 recommended denial
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval with two conditions, vote: 4-1
Support: 0 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Opposition: 3 people spoke, 0 letters were received
Planning Commission Decision: Approval with two conditions, vote: Unanimous approval
Deadline for Action: extended to March 21, 2020
Staff Assigned: Anton Jerve, 651-266-6567
Appeal application
Deadline for action extension letter,
Planning Commission resolution,
Planning Commission action minutes,
Correspondence received,
Zoning Committee summary minutes,
Zoning Committee Staff Report packet