Establishing Schedule Charges for one-inch street service water connections and taps of all sizes.
WHEREAS, Section 87.14 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide that charges for one-inch street service water connections and taps of all sizes ("Schedule Charges") be established by city council resolution, following recommendation by the Board of Water Commissioners and a public hearing; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Schedule Charges for one-inch street service connections and taps of all sizes as shown below; and, be it
Schedule Charges
1-inch Street Service Connection
Excavation and Restoration Provided By Others
Effective March 1, 2015
1-inch Street Service Connection
*79 foot or less R/W width
*109 foot or less R/W width when located in cul-de-sac
*Streets with two mains on opposite sides of the street
Pipe Work Only - Excavation by Others:
12-inch and smaller main: $1,050
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board does hereby request that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul establish said charges by resolution following a public hearing.