Naming Highland Way as a private street.
WHEREAS, Trellis Company is the developer requesting the establishment of a private street in order to facilitate the planned Treehouse project, and West Seventh Realty LLC, 1800 Rockaway Avenue, Hewlett NY 11557 is the owner of the property legally described as LANE'S EDGCUMBE HILLS S 100 ft of E 263.4 ft of Lot 79, and
WHEREAS, the establishment of the private street will make it easier for residents, guests and the general public to be able to locate the Treehouse, a new construction 36-unit affordable senior housing building and provide the project a suitable address, thus improving wayfinding, and
WHEREAS, the developer has elected to construct the private street as shown on “Exhibit A” to provide access to the property,
WHEREAS, the developer desires the new street within this development be named Highland Way and to have the new building addressed off this street; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council for the City of Saint Paul, that the private street as shown on “Exhibit A” shall hereafter be known and designated as Highland Way; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works shall issue an address for the building using Highland Way as the designated street name; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is understood by the developer and/or its successors in interest that they shall construct and maintain the proposed private street, at their own expense, and continue to maintain in a clear and unobstructed manner to provide access for all vehicular traffic, including emergency services vehicles; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the developer and/or its successors in interest shall construct and maintain at their own expense the necessary signing of the private street, to be known as Highland Way, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works.