Amending Chapter 427 of the Legislative Code to reference and incorporate Uniform License Procedures as outlined in Legislative Code Chapter 310, clarify ambiguous language, update outdated gender language, add Infrared heated sauna fitness studios to the definition license category, and change the on-duty staffing exceptions.
WHEREAS, current individual City Licensing Ordinances contain notification, hearing, and petition requirements for specific business license types; and
WHEREAS, different license processes in different City licensing ordinances have created confusion among city staff and prospective license applicants as to the proper process to follow; and
WHEREAS, some of these requirements unnecessarily increase the time it takes individuals to open a business; and
WHEREAS, time costs entrepreneur’s money and impacts their interest and ability to open a business in Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, throughout the life cycle of a license, the City Council has the same rights, requirements, and abilities to take Adverse Action (e.g., imposing conditions on a license); and
WHEREAS, after community listening sessions a stakeholder workgroup discussed business and administrative needs and brainstormed/researched solutions; and
WHEREAS, the workgroup recommended uniform license procedures, the removal of petition requirements, a shortened notification process, elimination of the license renewal public hearing provision and retaining the requirement that all Class N License Applications be put before City Council; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 310 was revised to include uniform license procedures for all license types; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney has determined, based on the opinion of other legal experts, that the use of the word “shall” in legal instruments is ambiguous depending upon the context, and advises that the best practice of substituting the word “shall” with a more precise term (e....
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