Supporting the Minnesotans for Paid Family Leave Act.
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul wishes to continue to attract and retain the best staff, achieve diversity goals, and continue to create the most livable city in America; and,
WHEREAS, as the workforce continues to change, flexibility and family-friendly workforce policies are essential; and,
WHEREAS, the Paid Parental Leave Policy is intended to give parents additional flexibility and time to bond with their new child, adjust to their new family situation, and balance their work obligations, and,
WHEREAS, only 13% of workers currently have access to paid family leave; and,
WHEREAS, paid family and medical leave programs have proven successful in California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island; and,
WHEREAS, 46% of workers making under $25,000 currently don’t have paid medical family leave in Minnesota; and,
WHEREAS, paid Family Leave Policy will provide meaningful financial security to working families; and,
WHEREAS, workers will be protected when they take paid family and medical leavel; and,
WHEREAS, paid Family Policy will help make small businesses be more competitive; and,
WHEREAS, paid Family Leave Policy will make it easier for parents - both mothers and fathers- to care for new children; and,
WHEREAS, Saint Paul began offering city employees paid parental leave starting in 2015; now, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports Paid Family Leave to safeguard the public welfare, health, safety, and prosperity of the people of Minnesota; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports and encourages legislation efforts requiring the establishment of Paid Family Leave for workers across Minnesota.