Approving and authorizing entering into a Lease Agreement with Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC for retail and parking space in the Block 19 Parking Ramp located at 151 7th Street East (District 17, Ward 2).
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (“HRA”) is a public body corporate and politic organized, existing, and operating under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Minn. Stat. Sec. 469.001, et seq. (the “Act”); and
WHEREAS, the HRA has the power to engage in development and redevelopment activities under the Act, and is authorized to create redevelopment projects as defined in the Act, and said activities include but are not limited to: (a) providing adequate, safe and sanitary dwellings, remedying housing shortages for low and moderate income residents, and providing housing for persons of all incomes through housing projects and development, (b) removing and preventing blight or deterioration, (c) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into compliance with public standards, (d) performing duties according to the comprehensive plan, (e) disposing of land for private redevelopment, and (f) improving the tax base and the financial stability of the community; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to authority granted under Minnesota Statutes Section 469.012 (subd. 12), among other authority, the HRA owns and operates the Block 19 Parking Ramp (“Ramp”) and the retail space therein located at 151 Seventh Street East; and
WHEREAS, Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC (“Avis”) has requested a lease for approximately 1,300 square feet of retail space and approximately 40 parking spaces in the Ramp; and
WHEREAS, the retail space requested by Avis has been vacant and available for leasing since July 2023 and entering into a lease with Avis will derive public benefits, including, reactivating the space, providing car rental opportunities to local residents, aiding the local economy, and aiding in employment opportuniti...
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