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File #: APC 25-2    Version: 1
Type: Appeal-Planning Comm Status: Agenda Ready
In control: City Council
Final action:
Title: Considering the appeal of West 7th/Fort Road Federation to a decision of the Planning Commission denying an appeal of a Statement of Clarification issued by the Zoning Administrator that a proposed solid waste truck dispatch center and maintenance facility is similar to a public works yard or maintenance facility at 560 Randolph Avenue.
Sponsors: Rebecca Noecker
Code sections: Sec. 61.702. - Appeals to city council.
Attachments: 1. Appeal application to City Council, 2. PC Resolution 560 Randolph DSU appeal, 3. PC Action Minutes 2-21-25, 4. ZC packet 560 Randolph (except testimony), 5. February 13, 2025 Zoning Committee Minutes - signed, 6. ZC Public Testimony for 560 Randolph (all), 7. Friends of the Mississippi River public comment
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Considering the appeal of West 7th/Fort Road Federation to a decision of the Planning Commission denying an appeal of a Statement of Clarification issued by the Zoning Administrator that a proposed solid waste truck dispatch center and maintenance facility is similar to a public works yard or maintenance facility at 560 Randolph Avenue.


Zoning File #: 25-015636

Appellant: West 7th/Fort Road Federation


Address: 560 Randolph Avenue


Purpose: An appeal to the City Council of a Planning Commission decision to deny an appeal of the Zoning Administrator’s Statement of Clarification that a proposed solid waste truck dispatch center and maintenance facility is similar in use to a public works yard or maintenance facility.


Staff Recommendation:                                                                Denial of appeal

District Council:                                                                                     Approval of appeal (District Council is Appellant)

Zoning Committee Recommendation:                     Denial of appeal, vote: 3-2

Support:                                                                                                         23 people spoke in support, 28 letters received

Opposition:                                                                                                         0 people spoke, 0 letters received

Planning Commission Decision:                                          Deny appeal, vote unanimous (14-0)

Required Background Information

Does this issue fall within the 60 day rule? Yes


If yes, when does the 60 days expire? February 14, 2025


Has an extension been granted? Yes


If so, to what date? April 15, 2025


Key Staff Contact

Farhan Omar: 651-266-9089,




Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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