Approving the appointment of Valerie Jensen as Director of the Department of Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity.
WHEREAS, there is a vacancy for the Director of the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity (HREEO) Department; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 11.01 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the City Council created a qualifications and examining committee to review applications for the position of HREEO Director; and
WHEREAS, the committee convened on October 21 and 22, 2019 and recommended five applicants to the Mayor’s Office for interview by the Mayor; and
WHEREAS, Valerie Jensen has applied for the position of Director of the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity, and has over 25 years of experience in the areas human rights advocacy, compliance process review, budget administration and project and program management; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Jensen most recently served as the president and co-founder of Azon Consulting and is an expert in leading cultural change across and within organizations and communities; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Jensen served as Executive Director of Twin Cities Diversity in Practice for over 10 years, managing all aspects of the board of directors and leaders of Twin Cities law firms, and helped to establish and facilitate innovative initiatives and programs recruiting and developing talent with a focus on retention and advancement of lawyers of color; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Jensen both created the curriculum for and currently instructs an upper level course on Race and the Law at Mitchell Hamline College of Law in Saint Paul, and provides legal writing and research instruction as a part of first-year course curriculum to Mitchell Hamline students; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Saint Paul Administrative Code, Section 11.01, The Mayor shall appoint the Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Director with Council approval. The director shall continue in office for terms of three (3) years from the expirat...
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