Authorizing the Police Department to submit an application for funds under the 2023 State of Minnesota Homeland Security Program - Bomb Grant.
WHEREAS, Chapter 10 of the Saint Paul City Charter recognizes the City Council’s authority over the budget and spending of the City of Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires all contracts be authorized by the Saint Paul City Council; and
WHEREAS, Section 86.12 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires City Council approval prior to submission of grant applications; and
WHEREAS, there are no match requirements for this grant; and
WHEREAS, submission due date for the 2023 State of Minnesota Homeland Security Program - Bomb grant is May 20, 2023;” and
WHEREAS, the invitation to submit an application is specifically for the Police Department’s Bomb Disposal Unit and would provide funding for upgrades and existing equipment maintenance which will improve safety and effectiveness while accomplishing purposes as specified; and
WHEREAS, this grant also provides funding for training in conjunction with other state teams training for land based and maritime based operations to meet federal standards and activity budget needs to be established; thereby
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the grant application by the Police Department under the 2023 State of Minnesota Homeland Security Program - Bomb Grant.