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File #: ALH 10-258    Version: 1
Type: Appeal-Legislative Hearing Status: Filed
In control: Legislative Hearings
Final action: 10/26/2010
Title: Appeal of Patricia Stotzheim to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 794 Pascal Street North.
Sponsors: Russ Stark
Ward: Ward - 4, Windows
Attachments: 1. 794 Pascal St N.Appeal.10-13-10.pdf
Appeal of Patricia Stotzheim to an Egress Window Non-Compliance Determination at 794 Pascal  Street North.
794 Pascal  Street North
Purpose of Appeal
We are appealing the replacement of 3 bedroom double-hung windows that will not comply with egress policy.  The openable height will be short by 1 1/8 ", the openable width is 4" above what the minimum requires.  Homeowner wants to keep the existing operating style.  Please approve.
Date of Order(s)
October 12, 2010
No hearing necessary.  Grant appeal.
Date NameDistrictOpinionCommentAction
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