Establishing the rate of pay for Right Track Worker in Special Employment.
WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources conducted a job study for the new classification of Right Track Worker; and
WHEREAS, the results of the job study instruct that the rate of pay for Right Track Worker be established at the rate set forth at Grade 30H of Employee Group 99 Special Employment salary schedule; and
WHEREAS, the results of the job study further instruct that rates for the new Grade 30H, should be established as listed in the chart below, now therefore, be it
RESOLVED, pursuant to City Charter Sections 6.03.3(5) and 12.01, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Right Track Worker be established at the rate set forth in Grade 30H, of EG 99, Special Employment, consistent with the chart below. This resolution shall take effect and be in force as of January 1, 2020.
Step 1: $10.00
Step 2: $10.50
Step 3: $11.00
Step 4: $11.50
Step 5: $12.00
Step 6: $12.50
Step 7: $13.00
Step 8: $13.50
Step 9: $14.00
Step 10: $14.50
Step 11: $15.00