Authorizing an expenditure of $125 from existing Frogtown Farms Project funding to purchase a ticket to send Kathleen Anglo to the 2014 Environmental Initiative Awards ceremony to be held May 22, 2104.
WHEREAS, Environmental Initiative is a nonprofit organization that builds partnerships to develop collaborative solutions to environmental problems; and
WHEREAS, the Frogtown Farm Project is a finalist for one of the 2014 Environmental Initiative Awards and a ceremony will be held on May 22, 2014; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation would like to purchase a ticket for Kathleen Anglo, the landscape architect responsible for the Frogtown Farms project, to attend the awards ceremony, which includes a reception and dinner, at the cost of $125; and
WHEREAS, attendance at the event serves a public purpose in providing an opportunity to acknowledge the City's participation in the Frogtown Farm project and further offers an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas for innovations in environmental issues of concern to Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, there is existing funding to cover this expense in the Frogtown Farm project budget; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the expenditure of $125 from existing Frogtown Farms Project funding for a ticket for Kathleen Anglo to attend the 2014 Environmental Initiative Awards Ceremony on May 22, 2014.