Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to accept the donation of a set of 9 vs 9 soccer goals (7 ft x 21 ft), valued at $4,600, from the Blackhawks Soccer Club, for Sylvan Park.
WHEREAS, the Blackhawks Soccer Club wishes to donate a set of 9 vs 9 soccer goals (7 ft x 21 ft), valued at $4,600 for Sylvan Park; and
WHEREAS, the donation, if accepted, will allow Saint Paul Parks and Recreation to have goals for games at Sylvan Park for the full-size field; and
WHEREAS, the set of goals will be used at Sylvan Park for soccer games to support the programming offered by Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and Blackhawks Soccer; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation wishes to accept the donation of the said soccer goals; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the donation of a set of 9 vs 9 soccer goals for Sylvan Park, and thanks the Blackhawks Soccer Club for their generous gift.