Public hearing to consider the appeal of Summit Hill Association to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) approving variances of the front, side and rear setbacks and lot coverage requirements in order to remove the existing duplex and construct an eight - unit apartment building with underground and surface parking at 1174 Grand Avenue.
Required Background Information
On July 24, 2015, the applicant sought and was granted approval by the City Council to rezone this property from a BC community business converted district to a RM2 multiple family district (File # 15-134693). This property currently has a duplex and a three-car detached garage, which the applicant intends to remove and construct an 8-unit building (the first and second floors have 2 two-bedroom units and a one-bedroom unit each and the third floor has 2 two-three bedroom units). Underground parking for 8 spaces would be provided and 3 off-street surface parking spaces. The applicant requested variances of the front yard setback (23.4 feet required, 20 feet proposed), the rear yard setback (25 feet required, 19 feet proposed), the side yard setback (9 feet required, 7.5 feet proposed from the east and west property lines) and the lot coverage (35% maximum allowed, 52.4% proposed) requirements from the Planning Commission early this summer but the variances were denied.
The applicant subsequently revised his plans and proposed a greater front yard setback (from 20 feet initially proposed to 22 feet), a rear yard setback of 19 feet (same setback as initially proposed), a side yard setback of 7.5 feet from the east and west property lines (same setback as initially proposed) and a smaller building footprint (from 52.4 % initially proposed to 51.4%). Since this is a new application, the applicant requested variances from the BZA.
Among purposes of these dimensional standards and lot coverage requirements are to ensure that buildings are constructed in a manner that pro...
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