Accepting the gift of travel expenses from the University of Chicago valued at no more than $600 for the Mayor's Arts and Culture Policy Associate Joe Spencer to give a public presentation in Chicago on January 30, 2013.
WHEREAS, the Cultural Policy Center at the University of Chicago is partnering with the Office of Cultural Affairs at the City of Chicago to organize a public presentation on January 30, 2013 to discuss promoting Arts Vitality; and
WHEREAS, this partnership has invited Saint Paul's Director of Arts and Culture, Joe Spencer, to discuss the success in Saint Paul of using arts and culture to drive vitality, especially in the downtown area; and
WHEREAS, the Cultural Policy Center at the University of Chicago has offered to pay for Mr. Spencer's airfare (approximately $500) and two meals (approx. $100); and
WHEREAS, this opportunity will promote St. Paul's uniquely rich cultural vitality and thriving arts community, and provide an opportunity to learn about best practices of other midwest cities; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts the donation of money to pay for Mr. Spencer's airfare and two meals, and thanks the University of Chicago for its generous gift.