Amending Council File RLH CO 16-32, adopted August 17, 2016, to grant Mario Sanchez Marquez an additional extension for property at 1275 FREMONT AVENUE.
WHEREAS, on August 17, 2016, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #RLH CO 16-32, said Resolution being the memorialization of an appeal to a Correction Order for property at 1275 Fremont Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing recommended that the City Council grant Mario Sanchez Marquez until January 1, 2017 to bring the property into compliance as well as allowing the use of Class 5 for the driveway; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council considered the Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendation in this matter; and
WHEREAS, the Appellant is requesting additional extension for the compliance of the property so that he can find financing to make the repairs; and
WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends granting additional extension; Now Therefore, Be It,
RESOLVED, that an extension is hereby granted to July 1, 2017.