Approving adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco-Product Shop license application submitted by REEMO Corp., d/b/a Rice Street Tobacco at 1196 Rice Street.
WHEREAS, the Cigarette/Tobacco-Product Shop license application submitted by REEMO Corp. d/b/a Rice Street Tobacco (License ID# 20170003361) for the premises located at 1196 Rice Street in Saint Paul was the subject of a Notice of Intent to Deny License (“Notice”) dated January 10, 2018; and
WHEREAS, the Notice stated that after further review of the license application, the Department of Safety and Inspections determined the proposed location did not comply with the 2,640 foot separation requirement from another tobacco-product shop as required by Saint Paul Zoning Code Section 65.535; and
WHEREAS, based on that information, the licensing department recommended denial of the license application; and
WHEREAS, the applicant did not respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny License to request either a public hearing, or an administrative hearing or withdraw the license application; and
WHEREAS, the Notice of Intent to Deny License stated that if the applicant failed to request a public hearing, administrative hearing or withdraw the license application by January 22, 2018, that the matter would be placed on the consent agenda to impose the recommended penalty; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the Cigarette/Tobacco-Product Shop license application submitted by REEMO Corp. d/b/a Rice Street Tobacco (License ID# 20170003361) for the premises located at 1196 Rice Street is hereby denied.