Acknowledging a public purpose for the Annual City Employee Cookout and granting permission to the City Employee Cookout Committee to spend City funds and to solicit for an accept donations on behalf of the City to defray the cost of the cookout to be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2017.
WHEREAS, The City Council of Saint Paul and the Mayor of Saint Paul deem it an appropriate public purpose to recognize city employees for their commitment and dedication to public service through an Annual City Employee Cookout; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor and the City Council wish to recognize city employee efforts, dedication, and service commitment believing that it promotes positive employee morale and results in excellent public and customer service for Saint Paul citizens and finds that it is in the public interest to do so; and
WHEREAS, The City Employee Cookout Committee is preparing for the Annual City Employee Cookout to be held the evening of Tuesday, August 15, 2017, at the Como Park - East Picnic Pavilions and requires authorization to spend city funds; and
WHEREAS, in the past, local businesses and unions have contributed funds, goods and/or services to help defray the cost of the cookout itself; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, the City Employee Cookout Committee is hereby authorized to make any expenditure, not to exceed $6,500.00, to fund the cookout, and shall provide itemization of such expenditures to be approved in a future resolution; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the City Council hereby authorizes members of the City Employee Cookout Committee to act on behalf of the City to solicit and request donations from local businesses, unions and others to help defray the costs of the Annual City Employee Cookout to be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2017; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that a list of such donations, with the name of the donor and estimated value of the donation, shall be kept and included in a future resolution accepting the ...
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