Authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to apply for up to $800 from St. Clement’s Episcopal Church to support healthy snacks and a curriculum based in YPQA principles for the Frogtown and Rondo community.
WHEREAS, St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, serves the community and provides outreach within the historic Rondo Community; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation is requesting permission to apply for $800 in grant funding from St. Clement’s Episcopal Church to support healthy snacks and a curriculum based in YPQA principles for the Frogtown and Rondo communities; and
WHEREAS, granted funds would allow the Department of Parks and Recreation to provide healthy snacks and a curriculum based in YPQA principles to Saint Paul youth living and going to school in the Frogtown and Rondo neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, St. Clement’s Episcopal Church grant funds require that the Department of Parks and Recreation have a follow up report on how grant money was spent; and
WHEREAS, there is no match required of these funds by the City and other supporting agencies; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Department Parks and
Recreation to apply for said grant; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that if funds are granted, the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the Department of Parks and Recreation enter into a grant agreement with St. Clement’s Episcopal Church detailing the requirements of said grant.