Authorizing the appropriate city officials to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota in order to complete a trail connection to the Gateway State Trail from Wheelock Parkway.
WHEREAS, the Departments of Parks and Recreation and Public Works are reconstructing Wheelock Parkway to include an off road trail for bicyclists and sidewalks for pedestrians as part of the Saint Paul Grand Round; and
WHEREAS, the Gateway State Trail, owned and operated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, crosses over Wheelock Parkway; and
WHEREAS, the City and the State are authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 to enter into agreements to jointly or cooperatively exercise common powers; and
WHEREAS, the City and the State have determined that providing for the municipal trail connection to the Gateway State Trail at the intersection of Wheelock Parkway is of high priority and will provide a distinct and significant benefit to all trail users; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the appropriate city officials to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota in order to complete a trail connection to the Gateway State Trail from Wheelock Parkway.